Where can I locate the “NEW” Cape Coral Land Use Development Regulations Code Rewrite?
Agriculture (A). This district is to accommodate agricultural activities and operations which may include crop cultivation; the breeding, raising, or keeping of livestock or fur bearing animals; dairy farming; apiculture; and to allow all accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to those activities.
Residential Estate (RE). This district is established to provide areas for single-family dwellings typically on parcels of 40,000 square feet or more in areas of the city that are rural in character. The RE district permits the keeping of some domesticated livestock for use by the occupants.
Planned Unit Development (PUD). This district is designed for development as a cohesive unit, where uses and innovations in design and layout of the development provide public benefits when compared to standard zoning or uniform lot and block subdivision patterns and design features.
South Cape (SC). This district is to promote redevelopment and enhancement of the traditional commercial center of Cape Coral into a more compact and walkable form growth and to create a destination for residents and visitors. This district encourages mixed-use development. Existing commercial and professional buildings will be supplemented with
Mixed Use Bimini (MXB). This district is to promote redevelopment and enhancement of the Bimini Basin area of Cape Coral to create a destination for residents and visitors, consistent with the Downtown Mixed Future Land Use Classification and the Bimini Basin Revitalization and Implementation Plan. This district encourages mixed-use development.
Mixed Use Seven Islands (MX7). This district is intended to implement master plan recommendations for the Seven Islands Area consistent with the Seven Islands Sub District. A further objective is to foster a sense of place and create a destination environment in northwestern Cape Coral. To achieve these objectives, the
Commercial Corridor (CC). This district is established to implement the recommendations of the Pine Island Road Master Plan and to promote such uses as retail, office, limited warehouse, and light manufacturing, multi-family residential and large-scale commercial retail uses.
Residential Single Family (R-1). This district is established to encourage and protect single-family development and to permit other uses generally compatible with single-family residential. uses.
Neighborhood Commercial (NC). This district is intended to create a variety of dynamic walkable, mixed-use environments; provide a range and mix of commercial and housing choices near each other; and to create quality usable public spaces. The NC District utilizes form-based design standards and provides development options based on parcel