11 Jun, 2019

What is Zoning District South Cape (SC)?

2019-06-11T12:10:54-04:00June 11th, 2019|, |

South Cape (SC). This district is to promote redevelopment and enhancement of the traditional commercial center of Cape Coral into a more compact and walkable form growth and to create a destination for residents and visitors. This district encourages mixed-use development. Existing commercial and professional buildings will be supplemented with

11 Jun, 2019

What is Zoning District Mixed Use Bimini (MXB)?

2019-06-11T12:12:06-04:00June 11th, 2019|, |

Mixed Use Bimini (MXB). This district is to promote redevelopment and enhancement of the Bimini Basin area of Cape Coral to create a destination for residents and visitors, consistent with the Downtown Mixed Future Land Use Classification and the Bimini Basin Revitalization and Implementation Plan. This district encourages mixed-use development.

11 Jun, 2019

What is Zoning District Neighborhood Commercial (NC)?

2019-06-11T11:35:16-04:00June 11th, 2019|, |

Neighborhood Commercial (NC). This district is intended to create a variety of dynamic walkable, mixed-use environments; provide a range and mix of commercial and housing choices near each other; and to create quality usable public spaces. The NC District utilizes form-based design standards and provides development options based on parcel


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